About Us

About Us

iVitamin Science™ is a bold new approach to vitamin and mineral supplementation. For as long as people have been supplementing with vitamins and minerals, they have relied almost exclusively on the recommended daily allowance (RDA). This was established by the government right after World War II, and has served as a benchmark ever since. As time went on both individuals and health care professionals realized that this RDA may be a decent base guideline, but it was insufficient for optimal health. iVitamin Science™ moves completely away from the RDA by offering a product that is completely individualized.

iVitamin Science™ is not the only custom vitamin/mineral supplement in the market, but it is the only one with real quantitative and qualitative science behind it. Other companies offer an individualized supplement based on tests of the hair, serum, skin, saliva, urine or even through enzyme or protein markers. These tests are inadequate because they do not look at absorption of these substances or give an accurate depiction of the deficiency/excess at the cellular level. Because of this issue all of these tests are worthless when pursing the systemic optimization of vitamins and minerals.

The solution to this shortfall is the patented Functional Intracellular analysis (FIA), “a blood test which can assess intracellular vitamin deficiencies and total antioxidant functions”. This test requires a blood draw to be sent to a laboratory. This blood is not spun to produce serum as seen in most other blood tests, but rather the live cells are sent to the laboratory for analysis. This test utilizes the white blood cells in a manner similar to the A1C test for diabetics. The white blood cells are given the different vitamins and minerals individually to assess both excess and deficiency in the system, as these are both a health and wellness issues. This test takes approximately three weeks to complete and will deliver the most comprehensive and accurate test for vitamin and mineral deficiency.